Thursday, November 1, 2007
We are the forlorn. Yūrei. Okiku. Onryō.

The unburied. No rites were given. Our shrouds are gray. We have reasons to be here. Suicide. Murder. Revenge. Love.

I know not his. I know not theirs. We will know when it is complete. Shikome binds us. She is bound. We are summoned. We obey. She has reasons. I know not hers.

I have been here long. My heart was torn. I do not know this sometimes. I know only what her wishes are. I obey her wishes.

Shikome cannot speak. We express her wishes. We do not ask. She knows our reasons. She dismisses as we finish. We return to Yomi. We wait for life.

Nameless. Unknown. Forsaken. Lost. Abandoned.

Oni comes . . .