Friday, February 26, 2010
Observations based on his original character sheet, provided by Kal's player:

Although he's officially of Clan Brujah, he doesn't act entirely like them. He isn't looking to restore Carthage, nor is he bent on anarchic destruction. He is a class-A brawler and fighter, however, with or without weapons.

He has the nature of a Martyr - he knows he's damned, he's never going to the Elysian Fields, he had lost his true love - and now he would happily go into Final Death for him. He's a defender, which means he protects the people he cares about, although many years have gone by and he had lost his humanity. He considered people as servants and property to be protected. Although he no longer feels that way, he can't seem to express it right now.

The original sheet has 13 blood pool and a 10th generation. I've given him 30 and decressed his generation to 6.

He follows "The Road of Kings" which is defined as believing vampires are the heralds of the new order, and should be in positions of power. I didn't realize this part, and had assumed he was the power behind the throne - he kept himself hidden until needed. Need to retcon this.

He has strong willpower, morality, and mediocre self-control. He has a good conscience, and mediocre courage. I've increased this a little bit - given him slightly more self-control, willpower, and much more courage. He basically has no fear - except fire, but he won't show it. He has no fear of the sun, either.

I've taken the traits and expanded upon them. For physical traits, his two most important traits are Tireless and Tough, and I've increased those (need to max out Stamina in CoH). The older the vampires get, the tougher their skin is. A blade would have to be coming at him to get through. This guy doesn't get paper cuts.

I've added some to Brutal, Vigorous, Enduring, and Dexterous (originally ones). The Brutal maxes out when he frenzies. He can't dodge bullets, but he has a good chance of dodging things he can see coming at him, like a weapon or a punch. He can also use a weapon in both hands.

Social traits I need to do a little retconning. My portrayal was making him aloof, sort of like Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights. He's a little more social than that - and he's intimidating. I was able to show that with Grim, but haven't been able to show it with others (he's getting a "feel" for the place right now). I increased his Dignified and Eloquent points, and pushed up the Intimidating points.

His mental traits I've had pretty much on the money. Disciplines is the main trait, and I've bumped that up. He's Knowledgable, Cunning, Vigilant (though the player hasn't been - sorry, afk issues), and Determined to the point of stubborness.

He has the following disciplines which I've been able to play: Celerity, Fortitude, Potence. Need to work more on the Presence discipline. He has Protean as well, not added in his original sheet but I thought it would work for him. Mind you, I thought of him initially as the lone wolf type, but he's more social than that.

He has many abilities, and will have many more. His largest are Brawl, Dodge, Melee, Academics, Linguistics (Greek, Latin, Egyptian, English, French - I'm adding Arabic, Spanish, and some American Indian langauges), and Leadership. Bumping up will be Alertness, Athletics, Archery, Intimidation, Occult, and Expression. Ride will be converted into something like "able to keep his balance on moving things". He knows field medicine, and that's about it. There will be more, as he is now in the modern age and does know how to use a computer and cell phone.

He has an acknowledged status - he was the Sheriff of Houston, Texas. He's still known as that, and wanted by the Assamites and the Sabbat in Texas. The Assamites because of his age, and the Sabbat because he'd put many of them to Final Death. He doesn't hate the Sabbat - he finds them irritating and just plain wrong.

He has 3 true friends. Rowena in Texas, Nexus (a Gangrel) in Russia, and a third I have to create, probably a Brujah or Nosferatu. He however does have other allies and friends that he can call upon - maybe one or two will be in Rhode Island...

He has a domain and resources, though I just took away the domain. He still has bank accounts in many different names, though many of the records are gone now. He can walk onto a car lot and buy four Ferrarri's, but he doesn't flaunt it.

His merit is a Natural Leader. Need to work on that.

His flaws - and I pegged these - are anachronistic and "Pagan Heretic". Call him old-fashioned... His good manners toward humans have more or less disappeared, but they're coming back.

As a final note - his dynamic with Kalius has changed. He was Kalius' eromenos, his younger lover. With all the intimidation and presence he now commands, he should be more controlling. However, because it's still early, and he's still feeling the waters of Havens, and doesn't want to lose his precious love, he'll stay in Kalius' shadow and take his orders.

Another thing that I will be adding to him - patience.

PS - none of this is engraved in stone, it's being used as a guide, and I'm shoehorning his abilities with the WP/SS tank I've built.