Friday, March 16, 2007
Doctor Donovan - Sunfallen
12:59 PM | Posted by
Warwriter Widow
03-15-2007 21:35:26 Sunfallen has joined the team
03-15-2007 21:35:39 [Team]E.VAC: Good evening, doctor. If doctor you are.
03-15-2007 21:35:43 [Team]Sunfallen: Good afternoon.
-15-2007 21:36:11 [Team]Sunfallen: What credentials would you like me to tell you about?
03-15-2007 21:36:29 [Team]E.VAC: None. My boss at Longbow is running a background check.
03-15-2007 21:36:47 [Team]E.VAC: No offense is meant. We just have to be very careful around Ben's ability to deceive.
03-15-2007 21:36:49 [Team]Sunfallen: I've received my medical degree from Harvard.
03-15-2007 21:36:58 [Team]Sunfallen: I understand entirely.
03-15-2007 21:37:01 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: Mostly, we're concerned that you weren't another one of Ben's illusions.
03-15-2007 21:37:05 [Tell]Keen Frost: wasn't Sunfallen an alt of yours?
03-15-2007 21:37:11 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: bingo! :)
((I love Keen to pieces. He is amazing in his trying to acclemate himself to American lingo and English - I wish I could do that. Too bad he's so young and a plane trip to Brazil wasn't so expensive, not to mention I don't know a word of Portugese - no, correction, I do. Va. To go.))
03-15-2007 21:37:17 [Team]E.VAC: What is it that you wanted to talk about?
03-15-2007 21:37:25 [Tell]Keen Frost: who's playing it then? :)
03-15-2007 21:37:49 [Team]Sunfallen: I wanted to discuss Masonry's case with you, Doctor Page. He speaks very highly of you.
03-15-2007 21:37:57 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: Me on my laptop.
03-15-2007 21:38:05 [Team]E.VAC: Pace.
03-15-2007 21:38:06 [Tell]Keen Frost: oh! Altitis Multiplus! :P
03-15-2007 21:38:16 [Tell]Keen Frost: (coolness! :D)
03-15-2007 21:38:28 [Team]Sunfallen: As you know, Masonry is not the best reporter of information.
03-15-2007 21:38:43 [Team]Sunfallen: I sincerely apologize for that
03-15-2007 21:39:02 [Team]Masonry Redux: Hey, Doc.
03-15-2007 21:39:08 [Team]E.VAC: Believe me. I've watched Mason deny he needed help when he was on fire.
03-15-2007 21:39:22 [Team]Masonry Redux: Hey!
03-15-2007 21:39:39 [Team]Sunfallen: ::: chuckles:: Classic.
-15-2007 21:40:00 [Team]E.VAC: Kind of on a clock here, doc. What did you need to talk to us about?
03-15-2007 21:40:03 [Team]Sunfallen: Regardless, allow me to simplify my findings for you; I will be happy to send you a full report.
03-15-2007 21:40:27 [Team]Sunfallen: One: The Kheldian who's joined with this host is insane.
03-15-2007 21:40:36 [Team]E.VAC: Duh.
03-15-2007 21:40:45 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: I'm not a doctor, and I could've told you that.
03-15-2007 21:40:55 [Team]Sunfallen: Two: My specialty is extractions of Nictus. I have not had a good success rate with it.
03-15-2007 21:41:19 [Team]Sunfallen: However, I have taken something you suggested to him, and it seems to have worked.
03-15-2007 21:41:27 [Team]E.VAC:'re looking to turn Mason into a case-study. A guinea pig. ((You know, this is a good idea.))
03-15-2007 21:41:56 E.VAC is astounded that someone might've listened to one of his suggestions. :D
03-15-2007 21:41:57 [Team]Sunfallen: Masonry does not take advice when it's given, you know. But thinks about it and mentioned it to me.
03-15-2007 21:42:17 [Team]E.VAC: What's that? What'd I say?
-15-2007 21:42:22 [Team]Masonry Redux: I hate being talked about in the third person.
03-15-2007 21:42:40 [Team]Sunfallen: We got him some paint.
03-15-2007 21:42:51 [Team]E.VAC: Oh. Cool.
03-15-2007 21:42:51 [Team]Masonry Redux: And I lost five hours of my life!
03-15-2007 21:43:11 [Team]E.VAC: Better than losing all of the rest of your life.
03-15-2007 21:43:19 [Team]Sunfallen: The piece is still in development, and when it is finished, he'll show you. But Ben did it.
03-15-2007 21:43:30 [Team]Masonry Redux: He took me over, totally!
03-15-2007 21:43:30 [Team]E.VAC: ...oh. Imagine my joy.
03-15-2007 21:44:04 Obsydian Fyre mutters something about pictures of dead kittens.
03-15-2007 21:44:10 [Team]Sunfallen: Doctor, rehabilitation such as this means we need to take small steps. If this begins to calm that Nictus in him then so be it.
3-15-2007 21:44:53 [Team]E.VAC: You weren't there for the "admitting he has a problem" step.
03-15-2007 21:45:09 [Team]E.VAC: Sounds like you got off light. So far.
03-15-2007 21:45:42 [Team]Sunfallen: No. Guess what, Doctor. You're helping him whether you like it or not. And if I have to put an order in to Longbow for it, I will.
03-15-2007 21:46:06 [Team]Sunfallen: I could turn his case entirely over to you if you wanted.
03-15-2007 21:46:33 [Team]E.VAC: Don't get pushy with me, doc. I'm betting I outrank you. If you want my help, ask for it. Ordering me around is the wrong way.
03-15-2007 21:46:35 [Team]Sunfallen: You seem to know him well enough to help him. Provided he accepts your help.
03-15-2007 21:46:51 [Team]Masonry Redux: Pissing contest...
03-15-2007 21:46:58 [Team]E.VAC: Shut up, Mason.
03-15-2007 21:47:14 [Team]Sunfallen: Do you want his case or not?
03-15-2007 21:47:28 [Team]E.VAC: A doctor should never get too close to his patient. I'll help, especially in the field, but I can not and will not take lead.
03-15-2007 21:47:33 [Team]Masonry Redux: Jesus, isn't she pushy.
03-15-2007 21:47:54 [Team]E.VAC: If you push the case on me, I'll just have Mason committed.
03-15-2007 21:48:00 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: Let's hope she doesn't act like that with Ben. Ben'll probably eat her.
03-15-2007 21:48:04 [Team]Sunfallen: If it's necessary.
03-15-2007 21:48:11 [Team]Masonry Redux: Committed!
03-15-2007 21:48:14 [Team]Masonry Redux: Wait just a second!
03-15-2007 21:48:27 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: E, wait... you wouldn't do that, would you?
03-15-2007 21:48:34 [Team]Sunfallen: Ben and I have already discussed his situation
.03-15-2007 21:49:05 [Team]E.VAC: I can't be your personal physician, Mason. We're friends. I'm too close to you to give you adequate medical care. Regardless of how it happens, some other doctor has to be in charge of you. Period.
03-15-2007 21:49:10 [Team]Sunfallen: He's in his own little world.
03-15-2007 21:49:21 [Team]Masonry Redux: But you can't commit me!
03-15-2007 21:49:32 [Team]E.VAC: I can and will. If I have to.
03-15-2007 21:49:37 [Team]Sunfallen: If necessary, Masonry, we've already discussed this.
03-15-2007 21:49:42 [Tell]Keen Frost: commit as in... getting married? :P
03-15-2007 21:49:53 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: No, as in go into a mental hospital.
03-15-2007 21:50:01 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: He won't committ you, Mase. He's just trying to get your.... doctor off his case.
03-15-2007 21:50:02 [Team]Sunfallen: We have also discussed extraction.
03-15-2007 21:50:08 [Tell]Keen Frost: oh, didn't know that.
03-15-2007 21:50:18 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: no problem.
03-15-2007 21:50:45 [Team]Sunfallen: I will be his lead physician, you may do what you've been doing. Masonry, you must do what he says.
03-15-2007 21:50:52 [Team]Masonry Redux: Oh come on...
03-15-2007 21:50:57 E.VAC chuckles evilly
03-15-2007 21:51:04 E.VAC coughs
03-15-2007 21:51:15 Obsydian Fyre glares at E. "Stop that."
03-15-2007 21:51:21 E.VAC grins
03-15-2007 21:51:27 [Team]Sunfallen: You have everything allowed to you and more to function in society, Masonry. Enough chances have been given.
03-15-2007 21:51:45 [Team]Masonry Redux: Yeah, yeah, I don't need the lecture from you, I already got it from Manticore, thank you.
03-15-2007 21:52:10 [Team]Sunfallen: So, is it agreed that you will accept responsiblity for him in the field, Doctor?
03-15-2007 21:52:30 [Team]Masonry Redux: I'm a damn...
03-15-2007 21:52:37 [Team]Masonry Redux: I dont' know what I am.
03-15-2007 21:52:43 [Team]E.VAC: I would appreciate you sending me everything you have on the case, doctor. Leave it care of me at the Longbow HQ in King's Row. I'll pick it up later tonight.
03-15-2007 21:52:58 [Team]Sunfallen: Agreed. Masonry, do what he says.
03-15-2007 21:53:04 [Team]E.VAC: Once Longbow has confirmed your identity and credentials, I'll give you everything *I* have.
03-15-2007 21:53:09 [Team]Masonry Redux: Jawohl, Herr Komandant.
03-15-2007 21:53:14 [Team]Sunfallen: Masonry....
03-15-2007 21:53:26 [Team]Masonry Redux: Yes, yes, I'll do what he says.
03-15-2007 21:53:49 [Team]Sunfallen: Good. Clear.
03-15-2007 21:53:51 Sunfallen has quit the team
03-15-2007 21:35:39 [Team]E.VAC: Good evening, doctor. If doctor you are.
03-15-2007 21:35:43 [Team]Sunfallen: Good afternoon.
-15-2007 21:36:11 [Team]Sunfallen: What credentials would you like me to tell you about?
03-15-2007 21:36:29 [Team]E.VAC: None. My boss at Longbow is running a background check.
03-15-2007 21:36:47 [Team]E.VAC: No offense is meant. We just have to be very careful around Ben's ability to deceive.
03-15-2007 21:36:49 [Team]Sunfallen: I've received my medical degree from Harvard.
03-15-2007 21:36:58 [Team]Sunfallen: I understand entirely.
03-15-2007 21:37:01 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: Mostly, we're concerned that you weren't another one of Ben's illusions.
03-15-2007 21:37:05 [Tell]Keen Frost: wasn't Sunfallen an alt of yours?
03-15-2007 21:37:11 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: bingo! :)
((I love Keen to pieces. He is amazing in his trying to acclemate himself to American lingo and English - I wish I could do that. Too bad he's so young and a plane trip to Brazil wasn't so expensive, not to mention I don't know a word of Portugese - no, correction, I do. Va. To go.))
03-15-2007 21:37:17 [Team]E.VAC: What is it that you wanted to talk about?
03-15-2007 21:37:25 [Tell]Keen Frost: who's playing it then? :)
03-15-2007 21:37:49 [Team]Sunfallen: I wanted to discuss Masonry's case with you, Doctor Page. He speaks very highly of you.
03-15-2007 21:37:57 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: Me on my laptop.
03-15-2007 21:38:05 [Team]E.VAC: Pace.
03-15-2007 21:38:06 [Tell]Keen Frost: oh! Altitis Multiplus! :P
03-15-2007 21:38:16 [Tell]Keen Frost: (coolness! :D)
03-15-2007 21:38:28 [Team]Sunfallen: As you know, Masonry is not the best reporter of information.
03-15-2007 21:38:43 [Team]Sunfallen: I sincerely apologize for that
03-15-2007 21:39:02 [Team]Masonry Redux: Hey, Doc.
03-15-2007 21:39:08 [Team]E.VAC: Believe me. I've watched Mason deny he needed help when he was on fire.
03-15-2007 21:39:22 [Team]Masonry Redux: Hey!
03-15-2007 21:39:39 [Team]Sunfallen: ::: chuckles:: Classic.
-15-2007 21:40:00 [Team]E.VAC: Kind of on a clock here, doc. What did you need to talk to us about?
03-15-2007 21:40:03 [Team]Sunfallen: Regardless, allow me to simplify my findings for you; I will be happy to send you a full report.
03-15-2007 21:40:27 [Team]Sunfallen: One: The Kheldian who's joined with this host is insane.
03-15-2007 21:40:36 [Team]E.VAC: Duh.
03-15-2007 21:40:45 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: I'm not a doctor, and I could've told you that.
03-15-2007 21:40:55 [Team]Sunfallen: Two: My specialty is extractions of Nictus. I have not had a good success rate with it.
03-15-2007 21:41:19 [Team]Sunfallen: However, I have taken something you suggested to him, and it seems to have worked.
03-15-2007 21:41:27 [Team]E.VAC:'re looking to turn Mason into a case-study. A guinea pig. ((You know, this is a good idea.))
03-15-2007 21:41:56 E.VAC is astounded that someone might've listened to one of his suggestions. :D
03-15-2007 21:41:57 [Team]Sunfallen: Masonry does not take advice when it's given, you know. But thinks about it and mentioned it to me.
03-15-2007 21:42:17 [Team]E.VAC: What's that? What'd I say?
-15-2007 21:42:22 [Team]Masonry Redux: I hate being talked about in the third person.
03-15-2007 21:42:40 [Team]Sunfallen: We got him some paint.
03-15-2007 21:42:51 [Team]E.VAC: Oh. Cool.
03-15-2007 21:42:51 [Team]Masonry Redux: And I lost five hours of my life!
03-15-2007 21:43:11 [Team]E.VAC: Better than losing all of the rest of your life.
03-15-2007 21:43:19 [Team]Sunfallen: The piece is still in development, and when it is finished, he'll show you. But Ben did it.
03-15-2007 21:43:30 [Team]Masonry Redux: He took me over, totally!
03-15-2007 21:43:30 [Team]E.VAC: ...oh. Imagine my joy.
03-15-2007 21:44:04 Obsydian Fyre mutters something about pictures of dead kittens.
03-15-2007 21:44:10 [Team]Sunfallen: Doctor, rehabilitation such as this means we need to take small steps. If this begins to calm that Nictus in him then so be it.
3-15-2007 21:44:53 [Team]E.VAC: You weren't there for the "admitting he has a problem" step.
03-15-2007 21:45:09 [Team]E.VAC: Sounds like you got off light. So far.
03-15-2007 21:45:42 [Team]Sunfallen: No. Guess what, Doctor. You're helping him whether you like it or not. And if I have to put an order in to Longbow for it, I will.
03-15-2007 21:46:06 [Team]Sunfallen: I could turn his case entirely over to you if you wanted.
03-15-2007 21:46:33 [Team]E.VAC: Don't get pushy with me, doc. I'm betting I outrank you. If you want my help, ask for it. Ordering me around is the wrong way.
03-15-2007 21:46:35 [Team]Sunfallen: You seem to know him well enough to help him. Provided he accepts your help.
03-15-2007 21:46:51 [Team]Masonry Redux: Pissing contest...
03-15-2007 21:46:58 [Team]E.VAC: Shut up, Mason.
03-15-2007 21:47:14 [Team]Sunfallen: Do you want his case or not?
03-15-2007 21:47:28 [Team]E.VAC: A doctor should never get too close to his patient. I'll help, especially in the field, but I can not and will not take lead.
03-15-2007 21:47:33 [Team]Masonry Redux: Jesus, isn't she pushy.
03-15-2007 21:47:54 [Team]E.VAC: If you push the case on me, I'll just have Mason committed.
03-15-2007 21:48:00 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: Let's hope she doesn't act like that with Ben. Ben'll probably eat her.
03-15-2007 21:48:04 [Team]Sunfallen: If it's necessary.
03-15-2007 21:48:11 [Team]Masonry Redux: Committed!
03-15-2007 21:48:14 [Team]Masonry Redux: Wait just a second!
03-15-2007 21:48:27 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: E, wait... you wouldn't do that, would you?
03-15-2007 21:48:34 [Team]Sunfallen: Ben and I have already discussed his situation
.03-15-2007 21:49:05 [Team]E.VAC: I can't be your personal physician, Mason. We're friends. I'm too close to you to give you adequate medical care. Regardless of how it happens, some other doctor has to be in charge of you. Period.
03-15-2007 21:49:10 [Team]Sunfallen: He's in his own little world.
03-15-2007 21:49:21 [Team]Masonry Redux: But you can't commit me!
03-15-2007 21:49:32 [Team]E.VAC: I can and will. If I have to.
03-15-2007 21:49:37 [Team]Sunfallen: If necessary, Masonry, we've already discussed this.
03-15-2007 21:49:42 [Tell]Keen Frost: commit as in... getting married? :P
03-15-2007 21:49:53 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: No, as in go into a mental hospital.
03-15-2007 21:50:01 [Team]Obsydian Fyre: He won't committ you, Mase. He's just trying to get your.... doctor off his case.
03-15-2007 21:50:02 [Team]Sunfallen: We have also discussed extraction.
03-15-2007 21:50:08 [Tell]Keen Frost: oh, didn't know that.
03-15-2007 21:50:18 [Tell]-->Keen Frost: no problem.
03-15-2007 21:50:45 [Team]Sunfallen: I will be his lead physician, you may do what you've been doing. Masonry, you must do what he says.
03-15-2007 21:50:52 [Team]Masonry Redux: Oh come on...
03-15-2007 21:50:57 E.VAC chuckles evilly
03-15-2007 21:51:04 E.VAC coughs
03-15-2007 21:51:15 Obsydian Fyre glares at E. "Stop that."
03-15-2007 21:51:21 E.VAC grins
03-15-2007 21:51:27 [Team]Sunfallen: You have everything allowed to you and more to function in society, Masonry. Enough chances have been given.
03-15-2007 21:51:45 [Team]Masonry Redux: Yeah, yeah, I don't need the lecture from you, I already got it from Manticore, thank you.
03-15-2007 21:52:10 [Team]Sunfallen: So, is it agreed that you will accept responsiblity for him in the field, Doctor?
03-15-2007 21:52:30 [Team]Masonry Redux: I'm a damn...
03-15-2007 21:52:37 [Team]Masonry Redux: I dont' know what I am.
03-15-2007 21:52:43 [Team]E.VAC: I would appreciate you sending me everything you have on the case, doctor. Leave it care of me at the Longbow HQ in King's Row. I'll pick it up later tonight.
03-15-2007 21:52:58 [Team]Sunfallen: Agreed. Masonry, do what he says.
03-15-2007 21:53:04 [Team]E.VAC: Once Longbow has confirmed your identity and credentials, I'll give you everything *I* have.
03-15-2007 21:53:09 [Team]Masonry Redux: Jawohl, Herr Komandant.
03-15-2007 21:53:14 [Team]Sunfallen: Masonry....
03-15-2007 21:53:26 [Team]Masonry Redux: Yes, yes, I'll do what he says.
03-15-2007 21:53:49 [Team]Sunfallen: Good. Clear.
03-15-2007 21:53:51 Sunfallen has quit the team
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