Thursday, March 15, 2007
Ben's backstory
1:45 PM | Posted by
Warwriter Widow
Benakasar is an artist. He was wrapped up in his own little world for many years and patronized throughout them. Therefore, he believed that he was one of the best Kheldian artists ever. Whether or not he really is will be eventually decided. When he got shot by a Void (he didn't try to save someone; someone tried to save him), he learned to hate them. He also saw that a hero existed to defend innocents, and that the particular hero was "beautiful" to him.
When he first joined with Nathan, he decided to let "him" drive until he understood what was going on around him. Unfortunately, Nathan believed that he no longer existed, and another fractured personality came forward, Masonry. Masonry was Nathan, but Nathan didn't want to believe it. Also, Ben didn't want him to believe it, either.
Ben provided many instances of alleged contact with people that may or may not have really happened. He clouded over instances, twisted words and some of Nathan's thoughts into what he wanted - he was an artist (Kheldians use a different word that directly translates into "manipulator"), after all, and he could put Nathan to "sleep". He sometimes assumed Masonry's personality as a test drive, but couldn't stay long because the world ran him down.
Ben's world was his own, perfect in his eyes. Imperfections didn't exist in his world. Everything he created was perfect and precious and beautiful. And now, out in this world, in the human world (imperfect creatures in the first place), there's so much imperfection, so much wrong.
The first wrong thing is the injustice around him. What happened to E got right to him and he came out as vengeful Masonry - yes, I can bring beauty by battling the injustices of the world. Well, the world's a rather big place, and there's too much injustice going on to simply beat up a few Hellions and say you're done. Plus the mediocrity (yeah, how pompous is that) of the world irritates him.
Going back into Masonry's "husk", he contemplated things and watched Masonry go through the world. Seeing Kit's sorrow at Masonry's death generated feelings in Masonry which Ben appreciated - wish for comfort and to protect this fragile creature (in his mind). I can do that, he thinks. Well, too many women don't want to be protected. They're tough enough, thank you.
Meanwhile he saw things by appearances. Any scar, any mark, any small imperfection in voice, manner - basically, what didn't match his version of beauty (Providence is beautiful to him; so is Mally Able in his/its bug form - but E is not because he has to use the reinforcement in his arm), was considered "marred" and imperfect. It didn't belong in his world. It didn't belong in this world.
Forget about Fyre. Fyre rebuffed everyone--again, another one of those "tough females". Therefore she was a Warshade before she joined with Serra - in Ben's opinion. He also vehemently holds onto what he thinks is right, even if it's blatantly wrong. An example: He will constantly think E's present "boss" is the "boss" who tortured him, and he believes that such an imperfect being as E would gravitate to the imperfect "boss" who created him. He will also believe Thad is a perfect physical specimen, no matter how he treats women. (I need to explain Masonry's anger that he projected to Kit - maybe Nathan's angry at Thad's treatment of her?)
Once he realizes his initial perceptions are wrong, he switches entirely. You're no longer perfect. However, I'm not sure if there should be exceptions. Thad, Kit, Scott, Providence, Rusty (oh, I can only imagine how he feels about him!).
He can control Nathan by still being able to manipulate his emotions and feelings. He distracts him and kind of slips in around Nathan's consciousness. However Ben can't hold Nathan back entirely, because Nathan will realize that he's being distracted and will fight his way out of the "dream" that Ben placed him (E's word: "contained"). What Nathan needs to do is head Ben off at the pass, and that's what he's working on now. Ben comes out when Nathan's scared, mad, unconscious, or sees something particularly amazing (new graphics card, doncha know).
What's going on behind the scenes: Painting therapy. Ben is allowed to "come out" during painting or other artwork. When he does, he's calm - but, again, Ben's in his own little world of his own creation, and nothing else seems to exist. When Masonry has to go to work, I'm not sure what will happen to Masonry during work.
My plan tonight is to present Sunfallen rerolled onto the soon-to-be-renamed Silent-Bob account, as a translator/reporter. Though Ice offered Hope's services. That will be absolutely fun!
When he first joined with Nathan, he decided to let "him" drive until he understood what was going on around him. Unfortunately, Nathan believed that he no longer existed, and another fractured personality came forward, Masonry. Masonry was Nathan, but Nathan didn't want to believe it. Also, Ben didn't want him to believe it, either.
Ben provided many instances of alleged contact with people that may or may not have really happened. He clouded over instances, twisted words and some of Nathan's thoughts into what he wanted - he was an artist (Kheldians use a different word that directly translates into "manipulator"), after all, and he could put Nathan to "sleep". He sometimes assumed Masonry's personality as a test drive, but couldn't stay long because the world ran him down.
Ben's world was his own, perfect in his eyes. Imperfections didn't exist in his world. Everything he created was perfect and precious and beautiful. And now, out in this world, in the human world (imperfect creatures in the first place), there's so much imperfection, so much wrong.
The first wrong thing is the injustice around him. What happened to E got right to him and he came out as vengeful Masonry - yes, I can bring beauty by battling the injustices of the world. Well, the world's a rather big place, and there's too much injustice going on to simply beat up a few Hellions and say you're done. Plus the mediocrity (yeah, how pompous is that) of the world irritates him.
Going back into Masonry's "husk", he contemplated things and watched Masonry go through the world. Seeing Kit's sorrow at Masonry's death generated feelings in Masonry which Ben appreciated - wish for comfort and to protect this fragile creature (in his mind). I can do that, he thinks. Well, too many women don't want to be protected. They're tough enough, thank you.
Meanwhile he saw things by appearances. Any scar, any mark, any small imperfection in voice, manner - basically, what didn't match his version of beauty (Providence is beautiful to him; so is Mally Able in his/its bug form - but E is not because he has to use the reinforcement in his arm), was considered "marred" and imperfect. It didn't belong in his world. It didn't belong in this world.
Forget about Fyre. Fyre rebuffed everyone--again, another one of those "tough females". Therefore she was a Warshade before she joined with Serra - in Ben's opinion. He also vehemently holds onto what he thinks is right, even if it's blatantly wrong. An example: He will constantly think E's present "boss" is the "boss" who tortured him, and he believes that such an imperfect being as E would gravitate to the imperfect "boss" who created him. He will also believe Thad is a perfect physical specimen, no matter how he treats women. (I need to explain Masonry's anger that he projected to Kit - maybe Nathan's angry at Thad's treatment of her?)
Once he realizes his initial perceptions are wrong, he switches entirely. You're no longer perfect. However, I'm not sure if there should be exceptions. Thad, Kit, Scott, Providence, Rusty (oh, I can only imagine how he feels about him!).
He can control Nathan by still being able to manipulate his emotions and feelings. He distracts him and kind of slips in around Nathan's consciousness. However Ben can't hold Nathan back entirely, because Nathan will realize that he's being distracted and will fight his way out of the "dream" that Ben placed him (E's word: "contained"). What Nathan needs to do is head Ben off at the pass, and that's what he's working on now. Ben comes out when Nathan's scared, mad, unconscious, or sees something particularly amazing (new graphics card, doncha know).
What's going on behind the scenes: Painting therapy. Ben is allowed to "come out" during painting or other artwork. When he does, he's calm - but, again, Ben's in his own little world of his own creation, and nothing else seems to exist. When Masonry has to go to work, I'm not sure what will happen to Masonry during work.
My plan tonight is to present Sunfallen rerolled onto the soon-to-be-renamed Silent-Bob account, as a translator/reporter. Though Ice offered Hope's services. That will be absolutely fun!
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